description here
My name is Narghis Moon and I am delighted to be the counselor here at Bayles This page will provide you with information about what you can expect from the counseling program, so check back often for new information and exciting upcoming events.
What is a School Counselor?
A school counselor is a certified, trained, and caring professional who helps promote academic and social success for students. Some of the things I address with students are: transitions, self-esteem, homework, safety, accepting others, behavior, bullying, conflicts, death/loss, separation/divorce, and much more!
School counseling is a short term resource. When there are issues that require more in depth attention, I will be happy to assist in finding an outside counselor to work with your child and will ensure goals are supported here in school.
What types of services are provided?
- Talk to students on an individual basis, in groups, or in classes
- Help identify students with special needs
- Work with potential crisis situations
- Assist students, teachers, and parents
- Help promote a positive school climate
- Assist in academic and social growth
- Act as an advocate for students
A parent may request individual counseling for their child by contacting me via email, letter or telephone. Permission is needed for any child to receive regular counseling, whether individual or group.
Students may receive counseling services for the following:
- Feel confused, sad, or lonely
- Have a problem with a friend, teacher, or family member
- Need help making a decision
- Just need someone to talk to
When your child talks to the school counselor, the discussion is confidential. The only time I will disclose confidential information is if your child indicates that he/she is planning to harm someone, themselves, or if someone is harming them.
I would like to stress that a referral to the counselor’s office does not mean that your child is in trouble. It is intended to be a safe and non-threatening environment in which to reflect and problem solve. I am very excited to implement this year’s counseling program as we strive to be a blue ribbon school.
Mrs. Moon, Counselor
Parent Needs Assessment Survey- English- 2022-2023- Bayles Leadership Academy
Parent Needs Assessment Survey- Spanish- 2022-2023- Bayles Leadership Academy